137, rue de l’université 75007 Paris, France   (+33) 171 255 137

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137 rue de l’université
75007 Paris, France

+33(0) 171 255 137


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The information collected from you is necessary for processing the services offered by RESEAU 137. They are subject to computer processing. In accordance with European regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the data collected may give rise to the exercise of the right of access, changes, deletion, opposition, the portability of the data and limited processing as well as the use of data after death by:

ALIXIA SUPPORT : Le Britannia Bâtiment B – 20 bd Eugène Deruelle – 69 003 LYON

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Mail : dpo@reseau137.com
Phone : 09 70 83 01 42

You will find all the elements regarding your personal data in our personal data protection policy that you can consult by clicking on this link

Information regarding the website editor

RÉSEAU 137, company headquartered at 137 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris

SIRET number: 844 566 935 00020

SAS with share capital of € 10,000.00
Intra-community VAT FR 95 844 566 935

Editor: Madame Muriel Bolteau
Text: Madame Muriel Bolteau

Phone : +33(0) 171 255 137
Mail : contact@reseau137.com

Photo and video credits: 

CoWomen / ©Unsplash,

Sanjery – Mapodile – Gremlin – Jacoblund – Piranka / ©iStock,

RawPixel / ©Shutterstock

Morsa Images/Digital Vision – Thomas Barwick/Digital Vision – 10’000 Hours/DigitalVision – Tom Werner/DigitalVision – Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision – JGI/Tom Grill –  Westend61 – Izusek/E+ – Alvarez/Creatas Video / ©Gettyimages

Website designed and created by:

Le Britannia Bâtiment B – 20 bd Eugène Deruelle – 69 003 LYON
Marketing and Web Design Department
Mail : marketing@alixioactiv.fr

Information regarding the website host

The www.reseau137.com website is hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) whose registered office is situated at:

Amazon Web Services Inc, PO Box 81226, Seattle, WA 981808-1226 – USA

Region France

SIRET ID No: 831 001 334 00034

APE activity code: 6311Z

Information regarding the website designer

UPGRADE Brand Strategy and Activation communication agency
9 rue Alphonse de Neuville 75017 PARIS

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